Beware of scams!

HOMEBOX is currently the target of scam attempts using our brand name for malicious purposes. Someone is impersonating a HOMEBOX employee to offer a financial investment opportunity that has nothing to do with their business.

BEWARE: This is a SCAM, HOMEBOX does not offer financial investment solutions.

Be careful when you are contacted:

via telephone: check the identity of your interlocutor by contacting HOMEBOX (call 3007)

via email: HOMEBOX email addresses always use ""

If you have received any suspicious communication, please contact us at this address: [email protected]

If in doubt, do not respond to these messages and calls.

HOMEBOX takes all suspicions of scams very seriously, and our priority is to protect our clients and employees who have been targeted by these malicious actions. We have therefore lodged a complaint and are taking action to put a end to this attempted fraud.

Report illegal content or behaviour:

To file a report online, please follow the instructions on the official French government page:

This referral and reporting platform enables web users to report illegal content or behaviour on the Internet (fraud, trafficking, endangering people, etc.).

To report a scam, you can also contact "Info escroqueries" by calling 0 805 805 817. This help centre can provide you with information about scams or let you report a fraudulent website or email, a theft of bank details or a phishing attempt.

Thank you for your vigilance.

The HOMEBOX team